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…After the treatment

L began to have a healthy glow.
The nauseousness stopped.
She could keep up a conversation without struggling to
recall what had been said.
Her balance improved, no longer need walking aid.
She began attending school 2 hours a day but at a regular
basis for the first time in 3 years….


Before the Jab

L adored participating in sport.
She was never ill, not even getting a cold or the flu.
It was a daily struggle to get her to stop playing outside
when it was past her curfew.
She rode her bike daily outside with her friends.
L would sometimes walk with her sister to and from
school (approx 2 miles).
She led a very active life, she lived to play.
She was bubbly and friendly to anyone she met.
She would complete homework as soon as it was given,
sometimes before she would even get home.
Teachers loved her because she payed attention in class
but wasn’t disruptive.
As she got older she began to grow out of nap time,
stating it was ‘a waste of playtime’.
L loved going on family and school trips.
She had a very healthy appetite, eating small portions but
very often a day.
She never had any severe allergies.

After the jab
L first appeared to have a cold as she felt tired, hot and
cold, coughed and had a sore throat.
But as it progressed the symptoms got much worse and
her health deteriorated very quickly over the space of 3
She began feeling flu like symptoms, pain everywhere,
extreme fatigue, extreme weight loss, loss of appetite.
Although many analyses and tests were run, all results
came back normal.
And then the cognitive symptoms began.
She began to lose focus, get lost in conversation, extreme
mood shifts (angry to paranoid­ paranoid to spiteful)
experience severe memory loss and experience an
incapacity to transfer short term memory into long term
It was very much like L’s personality had been erased,
along with her health.
L’s symptoms began to worsen in a way we could not
have further predicted.
She began to have great difficulty walking even short
distances (she described it as her legs giving out and
‘walking on mushrooms).
She began having trouble passing her bowls.
Would feel nauseous and feel like she was choking on

Hair began falling outs, nails became thin and took months
to grow.
Her pain intensified (like someone was breaking all her
bones at the same time), and she would cry in pain while
There would be times when she would lay down in silence
because she was too tired and too in pain to do anything

Her appetite disappeared, adding to the struggle to help
her put on weight.
She began to have extreme obssessions, perhaps as a
coping mechanism (eg. Would only wear brown clothes,
an obsession that lasted a year and a few months).
Became completely numb to emotions, her own and

L regressed in terms of emotional, intellectual and
social development massively.
She could no longer differentiate emotions she saw in
others (eg. Felt everyone was against her/angry at her).
She could no longer react appropriately in social
situations (eg. Reacted angrily to everything).
School work became a struggle as she could no longer
understand concepts as previously (eg.maths).
L had to be re­educated/re­socialised in terms of
everything (eg. something as small as saying please and
thank you).
L’s nosebleeds increased.
She began to lose common sense (eg. Would want to wear
boots to the beach in the summer, and shorts during
L became physically and emotionally aggressive to
those around her.
She lied about her symptoms to doctors, manipulating
them and faking her health when she could (eg. Pretending
to feel knee jerk reflex).

After the treatment

L began to have a healthy glow.
The nauseousness stopped.
She could keep up a conversation without struggling to
recall what had been said.
Her balance improved, no longer need walking aid.
She began attending school 2 hours a day but at a regular
basis for the first time in 3 years.
L was able to communicate and express her feelings
and as well as others’.
Her hair stopped falling out and her nails began growing.
Her pain became more manageable.
Memory improved, could remember things with better
ease, although it’s not completely recuperated.
Began reacting appropriately to environment (eg. If it’s
raining outside then an umbrella is needed).
Appetite came back (with a vengeance) along with
L can regulate her moods more appropriately, though
it’s still very difficult for her to prioritise and take into
account other people when it’s not pointed it out to her.
Her humour has come back (also with a vengeance).
Although she still has ‘good and ‘bad’ days, what used to
be her bad days are now her good days and during good
days she feels almost normal.
Obsessive behaviour still persists (after neon nail varnish,
blue clothing, everything hair related and brown clothing,
it is now makeup).