by Alan Freestone | Apr 16, 2019 | Con-med, Vaccinations
The Guardian, that notoriously pro Big-Pharmaceutical and anti natural medicine newspaper, is trumpeting the latest awful idea from a biotech company: “The vaccine, known as AT04A, triggers the production of antibodies that target an enzyme involved in...
by Alan Freestone | Apr 12, 2019 | Autism, Con-med, Homeopathic Research, Homeopathy, Vaccinations
I have received a Whatsapp message today from a journalist for the Sunday Times called Shanti Das. Interestingly, this is the same journalist who was behind the hit-piece on Professor Christopher Exley from Keele university a few weeks ago. The professor was...
by Alan Freestone | Nov 25, 2014 | Autism, Con-med, Vaccinations
When I began treating people with autism with homeopathy little did I realise the attacks that I was letting myself in for. The strange thing was, these attacks where coming from parents of children with autism! What was going on? There followed episodes of me being...
by Alan Freestone | May 19, 2014 | Autism, Con-med, Homeopathy, Uncategorized
This case study highlights what can be achieved with homeopathy in a difficult and complex case. The little boy had a tragic start in life, and when first seen was presenting with a wide range of problems. Initially his mum came for help with his PANDAS symptoms...
by Alan Freestone | Aug 18, 2013 | Autism, Con-med, Homeopathy, Vaccinations
There was a tragic story reported recently of a little 5-month old baby dying after receiving 8 routine vaccinations: the five-in-one vaccine Pentaxim said to protect against diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, haemophilus influenza type B (Hib) and polio; the...
by Alan Freestone | May 27, 2013 | Con-med, Vaccinations
A veteran BBC journalist has had his life turned upside down since suffering ill-effects after receiving a Yellow Fever vaccination. He has suffered multiple psychotic episodes since then and is no longer able to work as a journalist. His family are now living on...
by Alan Freestone | Apr 17, 2013 | Con-med, Vaccinations
The human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted disease. It is so common that practically all sexually active people will contract it at some point in their lives! The most common symptom people develop is genital warts. Much more...
by Alan Freestone | Oct 30, 2012 | Con-med
A colleague of mine received a call from a distressed lady a few days ago. She was ringing on behalf of her 105-year-old mum who had been admitted to hospital. (I’d advise all 105-year-olds to stay well away from hospitals!). While there they had decided to...
by Alan Freestone | Sep 21, 2012 | Con-med
At an (unnamed) NHS hospital more than 4-in-10 patients undergoing abdominal surgery die within 30 days! Is this REALLY the state of 21st century medicine?! What is more shocking is that this study only covers 1800 patients from the 35 hospitals that agreed to take...
by Alan Freestone | Sep 19, 2012 | Con-med
Sense about Science, a well funded anti-homeopathy skeptic organization in the United Kingdom, complained about a consumer’s group’s assertion that they represent and are funded by the pharmaceutical industry in their attacks on homeopathy. But after further...
by Alan Freestone | Aug 4, 2012 | Con-med, Homeopathy
It’s great to see this issue being discussed openly. In South Africa homeopathy is a branch of their medical training, with students choosing this stream after 2 or 3 years learning the basics with the other medics. That seems a great idea to me. As the article...
by Alan Freestone | Jun 7, 2012 | Con-med, Vaccinations
“Signs of autism have been found in fish swimming in water contaminated with psychoactive medications. Scientists identified patterns of gene activity in the fathead minnows that mimicked those seen in susceptible humans with the developmental disorder. The...